About Health Guard

working like a dogFor more than 15 years, Health Guard™ has manufactured products to treat cat and dog related skin problems like fungus / ringworm and other types skin disorders to protect the health of animals.

The Health Guard™ formulation of Triclosan with Vibax has produced a most unusual and successful product line. These products offer a complete treatment program that not only treats the animals but controls the problem in the environment and helps the family, because of its long lasting residual activity. ringworm treatment, hot spots, pet allergies

This formula aids in the treatment of skin disorders, such as different types of fungus, ringworm treatment, hot spots, dermatosis, seborrhea, animal acne, paw and hoof irritation, minor skin irritations, odor and allergies caused by flea bites, grass, etc.

Our success is due to the wonderful and satisfied customers who told their friends and family and colleagues about the successful results they had with Health Guard™. Our customers are the heart of our company and we would like to say Thank You. We will keep on working to be the type of company that you have come to know and respect.

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